Step 5: Launch Billing Wizard
After your quarter-end dashboard is signed off by Orion Recon, check the final red 'Sign Off' button at the bottom to complete the dashboard and activate the billing wizard button.
- Click the 'Launch' button next to the Billing Wizard line item in the bottom of the quarter end dashboard.
- Bill Generator Audits Screen: Review the items summarized on the first screen. Remember: Missing Payouts are only relevant if you need to track splits of advisory fees among more than one party.
- Next > Time Frame:
- Instance Name: Most typically enter the period and the year (ie: "2020Q1")
- Choose Bill Type: Typically 'Renewal'
- End of Period: Q1 is 3/31, Q2 is 6/30, etc
- Choose Account Status: Typically 'Active'
- Next > Selection & Filter
- Select run for... 'All Households'
- Select run for... 'All Households'
- Next > Create Instance
- If presented with the option to bill on cash flows that happened in the prior quarter, select 'Yes' if you do or 'No' if you do not.
- If presented with the option to bill on cash flows that happened in the prior quarter, select 'Yes' if you do or 'No' if you do not.
- Create Bill Instance > Land in the Bill Generator App
- You will see a complete list of households to be included in this billing calculation. Review for completeness.
- The final steps are shown on the right panel:
- Generate Bills > Generate All (do not turn on billing lockdown unless you need to prevent billing edits from others in your firm)
- Review Bills > Create
- Click the blue linked files to download and save in your records:
- Payable Summary: household-level summary of billing data
- Bill Data: account-level summary of billing data
- Recon Data: usually blank; anything shown on this file requires your attention
- Billing Audit: an export of account-level billing settings as of the time of the bill instance
- Click the blue linked files to download and save in your records:
- Generate Bills > Generate All (do not turn on billing lockdown unless you need to prevent billing edits from others in your firm)
- Now, while you are in the billing audit app, navigate to the bottom of the left panel and select the 'cash funding' audit.
- The cash funding audit will load blank
- Select the blue calendar in the top of the right panel > change the start/end dates to include today's bill generator instance > select 'Live' bill type > Refresh Grid
- Any account with a negative difference requires attention:
- place trades before you submit fees, OR
- navigate to the all accounts screen in Billing Audit and open another account in the household to add the account in question in a new pay for relationship.
- If the Payable Summary or Bill Data files reveal any additional tweaks that are needed, proceed to the billing audit app to make those changes.
- Return to the bill generator app > bill instance > double click to open your current bill instance > select the households that you edited > right click > deleted selected > actions > generate all.
- Review Bills > Create > download the updated payable summary and bill data files. Recon Data and Billing Audit will not have any new edits.
- Review/Approve revised bills.
- Fee Files > Create
- Click the name of the fee file (indicated by 'not sent') to download the fee file(s)
- Navigate to your custodians web interface and upload the fee files