Step 5: Launch Billing Wizard

After your quarter-end dashboard is signed off by Orion Recon, check the final red 'Sign Off' button at the bottom to complete the dashboard and activate the billing wizard button.


  1. Click the 'Launch' button next to the Billing Wizard line item in the bottom of the quarter end dashboard.

  2. Bill Generator Audits Screen: Review the items summarized on the first screen. Remember: Missing Payouts are only relevant if you need to track splits of advisory fees among more than one party.

  3. Next > Time Frame:

    • Instance Name: Most typically enter the period and the year (ie: "2020Q1")
    • Choose Bill Type: Typically 'Renewal'
    • End of Period: Q1 is 3/31, Q2 is 6/30, etc
    • Choose Account Status: Typically 'Active'

  4. Next > Selection & Filter
    1. Select run for... 'All Households'

  5. Next > Create Instance
    1. If presented with the option to bill on cash flows that happened in the prior quarter, select 'Yes' if you do or 'No' if you do not.

  6. Create Bill Instance > Land in the Bill Generator App

  7. You will see a complete list of households to be included in this billing calculation. Review for completeness.

  8. The final steps are shown on the right panel:

    1. Generate Bills > Generate All (do not turn on billing lockdown unless you need to prevent billing edits from others in your firm)

    2. Review Bills > Create
      1. Click the blue linked files to download and save in your records:
        • Payable Summary: household-level summary of billing data
        • Bill Data: account-level summary of billing data
        • Recon Data: usually blank; anything shown on this file requires your attention
        • Billing Audit: an export of account-level billing settings as of the time of the bill instance

  9. Now, while you are in the billing audit app, navigate to the bottom of the left panel and select the 'cash funding' audit.

    1. The cash funding audit will load blank
    2. Select the blue calendar in the top of the right panel > change the start/end dates to include today's bill generator instance > select 'Live' bill type > Refresh Grid
    3. Any account with a negative difference requires attention:
      1. place trades before you submit fees, OR
      2. navigate to the all accounts screen in Billing Audit and open another account in the household to add the account in question in a new pay for relationship.

  10. If the Payable Summary or Bill Data files reveal any additional tweaks that are needed, proceed to the billing audit app to make those changes.

    1. Return to the bill generator app > bill instance > double click to open your current bill instance > select the households that you edited > right click > deleted selected > actions > generate all.
    2. Review Bills > Create > download the updated payable summary and bill data files. Recon Data and Billing Audit will not have any new edits.
    3. Review/Approve revised bills.

  11. Fee Files > Create
    1. Click the name of the fee file (indicated by 'not sent') to download the fee file(s)
    2. Navigate to your custodians web interface and upload the fee files