Step 1: Quarter End Dashboard
Start at least one week before quarter/month end
- Launch the ‘Quarter End Dashboard’ app > New Dashboard:
- Select Period: Quarterly or Monthly, depending on whether you bill 4 or 12 times each year
- Title = Any name you’d like ("2025Q1")
- Start Date = The first day of the quarter being processed. For example, if you are running your quarterly billing in January you will use 10/1 as the start date regardless if you bill in arrears or advance as this is the time period that the Orion billing engine is looking at for account billing market value.
- Once inside the dashboard, you’ll see a target date in the header. That date indicates when Orion will be trying to complete your reconciliation. If the Orion portion of the dashboard is not signed off by end of day on your target date please reach out to the Orion Reconciliation team using the Contact Us option for an updated ETA.
- Review each line item of the dashboard > click the blue link if needed to examine in detail > click ‘QE Process Manager’ to return to the dashboard after finished reviewing > click the green ‘Sign Off’ button for each line item.
- The last green sign off button is for Orion Recon to complete on/around your target date. After that is completed, you will typically receive an email from Orion indicating that your recon is complete and your dashboard is signed off. At that point, the red ‘Sign Off’ button is activated for you to complete the dashboard and then begin launching the billing wizard via the blue launch button at the bottom of the dashboard.
Tips and Tricks for using the Quarter End Dashboard
- You can leave the dashboard at any time and return later if unable to complete all of the sign offs in one sitting. If you would like to re-review a previously signed off audit you can also click the Sign Off button again to have it reverted.
- Some line items are more important than others. For example: ‘Active with Zero Balance’ accounts do not usually indicate a problem, whereas ‘Inactive Not Zero’ shows that an account was not closed properly. Also, some line items, such as ‘Missing Management Style’ may be completely irrelevant if you do not use management styles.
- The Quarter End Dashboard is customizable!
- You can add additional line items to your dashboard using the actions button in the top right corner, and you can rearrange Orion's items. But, unfortunately, you cannot delete any of Orion's original items as these have been hardcoded into the dashboard.
- The Options and Settings section compares your dashboard to the prior period, so this is not useful on your first run. Additionally, Orion often adds new functionality/settings to the database, so you can ignore any changes like where the ‘previous’ setting is blank.
- A full list of the audits and their purpose can be viewed in the Orion Support App article that can be found here.
Let us know if you have any questions at or (360) 301-7579