GIPS Compliance

Is Orion GIPS compliant?

According to the GIPS Guidelines, under Fundamental of Compliance, the GIPS Standards must be applied on a Firm-Wide basis. Also, statements referring to the calculation methodology as being “in accordance,” “in compliance,” or “consistent” with the Global Investment Performance Standards, or similar statements, are prohibited. Based on these guidelines, Orion is not able to make a claim of compliance with GIPS.
Keep in mind; the use of the Orion software does not make you GIPS Compliant. There is no single software or service alone that can make your firm GIPS compliant. By the definition of compliance as outlined in the standards, the firm as a whole – and only the firm as a whole – can claim compliance with the GIPS governing standards. However, you can use tools, like Orion, to help you prepare reports to meet the requirements and allow your firm to claim compliance.