New Client Onboarding Checklist
Portfolio Audit App
- Households > Merge husbands and wives together if they are separate
- Households > Open the household and set the statement delivery method
- Households > Set ADV Client Category (Individual vs. High Net Worth Individual or otherwise)
- Registrations > Check names and registration types (account types) to be sure all are correct
- If you use models in Orion | Accounts > double click on an account > model assignments
Billing Audit App
- All Households > set the bill status for the household
- Ready to Bill = will get billed
- Pending = will not get billed
- Hold = will not get billed
- All Accounts > set all the billing fields for each account
- fee schedule
- bill frequency (quarterly vs. monthly)
- bill style (arrears vs. advanced)
- valuation method (period end, average daily, average monthly)
- All Accounts > setup fee payment accounts
- if you’d like every account to pay for itself, nothing to do
- if you’d like to consolidate fees to one account, double click on the paying account > “this account pays for” > add new
Manage Users App
- If you use the Orion client portal or Wealth Access | create new user > setup client household for web access
Benchmark Assignments App
- If you assign custom benchmarks to each household | level = household > Add
RMD Dashboard App
- If the client has RMDs | find the account > right click to edit year-end value
Riskalyze, eMoney, and Other integrations
- Open the integration and link the new Orion household