Billing Fee File Upload (1)
Notes for uploading fee files during quarter end billing:
Note: The Pershing/SSG fee upload spreadsheet has a column named CR Account. You will need to update this column with your master/sundry account number.
TD Ameritrade
- First click on the Account Tools tab
- From drop down menu hover over the option titled Management Fees
- Click the option called Create Invoice
- A new page appears with an area titled Create or import a new invoice
- Click the Import button
- Upload the Orion generated files (should be a .txt file) by clicking Choose File
- Once the file is selected then click Import
- All accounts to be billed should automatically upload
- Double check accounts for any error messages and call TDA Regional Service team to get the issue(s) resolved
- Once error messages are resolved (usually takes 24 hours) you should be able to proceed with billing all accounts
- To be continued......