Period-End Billing & Reporting Workflow
PART ONE - Complete before quarter end
- Launch the ‘Quarter End Dashboard’ app > New Dashboard:
- Select Period: Quarterly or Monthly, depending on whether you bill 4 or 12 times each year
- Title = Any name you’d like ("2020Q1")
- Start Date = the first day in the period (Q1 = 1/1, Q2 = 4/2, etc)
- Once inside the dashboard, you’ll see a target date in the header. That date indicates when Orion will be trying to complete your reconciliation.
- Review each line item of the dashboard > click the blue link if needed to examine in detail > click ‘QE Process Manager’ to return to the dashboard after finished reviewing > click the green ‘Sign Off’ button for each line item
- You can leave the dashboard at any time and return later if unable to complete all of the sign offs in one sitting.
- Note that some line items are more important than others. For example: ‘Active with Zero Balance’ accounts do not usually indicate a problem, whereas ‘Inactive Not Zero’ shows that an account was not closed properly. Also, some line items, such as ‘Missing Management Style’ may be completely irrelevant if you do not use management styles.
- You can add additional line items to your dashboard using the actions button in the top right corner, and you can rearrange Orion's items. But, unfortunately, you cannot delete any of Orion's original items.
- The Options and Settings section compares your dashboard to the prior period, so this is not useful on your first run. Additionally, Orion often adds new functionality/settings to the database, so you can ignore any changes like where the ‘previous’ setting is blank.
- You can leave the dashboard at any time and return later if unable to complete all of the sign offs in one sitting.
- The last green sign off button is for Orion Recon to complete on/around your target date. After that is completed, you will typically receive an email from Orion indicating that your recon is complete and your dashboard is signed off. At that point, the red ‘Sign Off’ button is activated for you to complete the dashboard and then begin launching the billing wizard via the blue launch button at the bottom of the dashboard.
PART TWO - Complete after month-end but before your target date
(This section is only for advance billers who bill on deposits and withdrawals.)
- Launch the ‘Billing Audit’ app > Transaction Audit: Bill Eligible > Click on the blue calendar button at the top of the right panel > select the beginning and end dates for the prior billing period (ie: if completing on 4/2, select 1/1 - 3/31).
- Shift + select to highlight all of the inflows that you intend to include in billing adjustments > right click > edit transactions:
- Field to update: new money ready
- Enter new field value: True (check the box)
- Add change > save
- Shift + select to highlight all of the outflows that you intend to include in billing adjustments > right click > edit transactions:
- Field to update: Advanced Billed
- Enter new field value: True (check the box)
- Add change > save
[NOTE: if your view includes trade fees, ADR fees, or any other transaction types that you don’t consider as billable flows, then edit your view or save a new default view to exclude those from the screen for future runs of this workflow.
PART THREE - Complete after month-end but before your target date
- Proceed to the ‘Billing Audit’ app to review any last minute household or account additions that appeared between your dashboard review and month-end.
PART FOUR - Complete after your Recon is signed off by Orion (After Target Date)
[ If you cannot find the 'Batch Performance' app, first navigate to the 'Disable Apps' button located on the main app dashboard in the footer. If you do not see the 'Batch Performance' app hidden in the disabled apps, proceed to the 'Manage Users' app to turn on the app permission > roles > double click to edit your role > records > portfolio > batch performance (turn on all 3 checkboxes) ]
- Launch the ‘Batch Performance’ app > Actions > New Batch
- Batch Name: Period and Year (Q1 2020)
- Start Date: Beginning of the Period (1/1/2020)
- End Date: End of the Period (3/31/2020)
- Periods to Include: Customize according to your needs, but at a minimum, include all of the periods that are in your performance reports
- Show Benchmarks: Yes if you use them
- > Next
- Run batch for a list of: households
- Which ones? Active with Value
- Available/Grouping Entities: Households and/or Portfolio Groups and/or Accounts depending on your need
- > Next
- Performance Options: These will reflect your database defaults. Inspect them to be certain, but they usually won’t need edits > Next > Create Batch
- After returning to the main screen > Double click on your new batch > The batch will already be running calculations > Actions > View all Completed
- Use this interface to identify and performance outliers. Sort the column headers to find the highest and lowest performance figures and be sure every figure matches your expectations for that period.
- For any outliers, proceed to the performance viewer and run household/account/asset class groupings on daily intervals.
- Again, sort the column headers to look for the day period that has the highest or lowest performance percentage.
- Send that household/account ID number and the outlier date to XYIS support for assistance in repairing the performance issue.
-Launch your quarter-end dashboard: quarter end dashboard app > select your current dashboard > click the final ‘Sign Off’ button at the bottom > Launch Billing Wizard